Guidelines for Authors

Peer Review Process

Turkish Journal of Islamic Economics (TUJISE) is a double blind peer reviewed biannual academic journal and publishes articles only in English. In order to gain acceptance, all articles submitted to TUJISE for evaluation must have never been previously published. Submissions are first reviewed by the editorial board. If an article satisfies the necessary conditions of style and content, reviewers will then proceed to evaluate its suitability for publication. All articles undergo evaluation by two anonymous reviewers. To ensure the academic quality and integrity of our research standards strict anonymity is ensured between the authors and reviewers. Only articles accepted by both the reviewers are taken to the later stages of publication. In case the reviewers differ in their opinion about publication of an article, if necessary, the article may be sent to a third reviewer for further assessment. The publication of an article then depends upon the approval of the majority of these reviewers. Authors are expected to provide the necessary corrections demanded by the editors or reviewers during the evaluation process of an article.

General Guidelines & Submission Checklist

In general, any submitted work should provide the following formatting conditions.

  1. Articles must be between 5,000 and 8,000 words.

  2. They should be written in MS Word Processor in normal margins and Times New Roman, 10-pt, space 1.5 lines, aligned left.

  3. Tables, figures, pictures, and graphs should fit the journal page. If needed, they may be written in a smaller font size and their text may be single spaced.

  4. Tables and graphs should be numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. Place footnotes to tables below the table body and indicate them with superscript lowercase letters. Avoid vertical rules. Be sparing in the use of tables and ensure that the data presented in tables does not duplicate results described elsewhere in the article.

  5. The study must include an English abstract between 150 and 250 words including 5-8 keywords.

  6. If article is written by two or more authors one author should be defined as corresponding author. In a separate first page the full name and institutional affiliation of all author(s) and mailing address(es), ORCID(s), work/mobile phone number(s), and e-mail address(es) of the corresponding author(s) should be included.

  7. The full paper/manuscript should be uploaded without the details of author(s).

  8. Copyright Waiver Form should be added in the submission. You must sign and scan the copyright waiver form. 

  9. TUJISE uses APA Style 6th Edition in references. The writing rules and format specified by the Publication Manual of American Psychological Association [APA], published by American Psychological Association, are to be followed both in text citations and bibliography.

  10. All references mentioned in the text must be listed in the bibliography and vice versa.

  11. Manuscript has been spell-checked and grammar-checked by a professional language editor.

  12. Permission has been obtained for use of copyrighted material from other sources (including the Web).

  13. Research involving humans or animals should be approved by relevant ethics committee(s) and should conform to international ethical and legal standards for research. Authors should provide an official approval.

  14. Manuscript submission to TUJISE is free. Manuscripts should be submitted at Submit Now.