
Islamic vs. Conventional Equity Indices and Investor Sentiments


Purpose: This paper aims to empirically investigate the equity-sentiment relationship along with making a comparison between the Islamic equity indices with conventional ones.

Methodology: To achieve the research objects, different models are applied including Ordinal Least square, Granger-Causality test, Johansen cointegration, and Autoregressive-distributed-lag (ADRL) model.

Findings: Results show that investor sentiments explain both Islamic and conventional equity indices. Further, it could also be concluded from the results that Islamic-equity-indices don’t behave differently as compared to conventional-equity-indices.

Originality: This study adds in literature, based on the empirical findings, that on the Islamic and conventional equity-sentiment relationship, Sharia screening criteria don’t play any significant role.


Investor Sentiments Islamic-equity-indices Conventional-equity-indices Johansen Co-integration and Autoregressive-distributed-lag (ADRL) model